Jukka Niiranen’s Post

View profile for Jukka Niiranen

The Original Power Platform Advisor. 11x Microsoft MVP. Low-code 4 life.

2 email tracking features that #Microsoft customers & consultants are often unaware of: 1. If you've got a #PowerApps premium license and you're leveraging Dataverse in your custom application, you can install the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook to track emails to the rows in your app's tables. 2. If you've purchased #Dynamics365 Sales Enterprise or Premium, instead of using the traditional Dynamics 365 App for Outlook, you can also install the new #VivaSales app and use it for tracking emails to your CRM system's records. Just because the feature has a different brand attached to it than the Microsoft product you bought the license for, doesn't mean you wouldn't be entitled to using it. I don't know why people claim Microsoft licensing and product naming is so complex? 😄

  • "You've got email (tracking)" - salesperson drinking coffee and checking emails
Jukka Niiranen

The Original Power Platform Advisor. 11x Microsoft MVP. Low-code 4 life.


In case anyone is interested in seeing a statement that confirms the Dynamics 365 App for Outlook being the email tracking app that's within Power Apps licensing model scope, here's an example from the Microsoft Partner Community forum: https://www.microsoftpartnercommunity.com/t5/Pricing-Licensing-Incentives/Outlook-app-license-requiremnts/m-p/47750/highlight/true#M3567 A really long thread where MS licensing concierge keeps arguing with MS partners who are presenting evidence on the commercial connection between Power Apps and App for Outlook. Luckily there are knowledgeable and stubborn partners out there who are able to help the licensing professionals discover the true "Spirit of the Licensing Guide" 😄 Without having a direct channel to engage with the Power Platform product team members through the MVP program, as well as an amazing group of fellow BizApps MVPs who keep asking them the tough questions - I would have never dared to start writing about licensing topics out in public either. Yet when I've seen the struggle that many brilliant technical experts have to endure when confronted with Dynamics 365 & Power Platform licensing related questions, I felt like "well somebody's gotta do it". And so here we are 😅

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Asif Rehmani

VisualSP Founder & CEO | Advisor to Business Leaders on Digital Adoption Strategy | 17X Microsoft MVP


Interesting post Jukka Niiranen . Thanks for pointing this out. Tracking internal communication and making sure that employees see what they need to see at the right time is something that I talk with our customers all the time. Good to hear about this option as well.

Gerben Kessen

Interim Dynamics 365 CE & Power Platform experts | Microsoft CRM oplossing voor MKB+ | CEO & Founder DynamicHands

Roberto Kaique da Silva

Customer Experience | CRM | Business Intelligence & Strategy

Jonathan D'haene

Senior Technology Specialist Business Applications at Microsoft


You forgot folder tracking ☺️

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